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Augustana Observer

Augustana Observer

Augustana Observer

Take Back the Night empowers campus and supports survivors

Martha Tomesen May 1, 2019

On Sunday, April 28, the Take Back the Night rally was held in the Olin auditorium. The event was organized by the students from the introductory women studies course, Women and Change, taught by Dr. Jane...

Rape culture frustration ignites student-led protests

Rape culture frustration ignites student-led protests

April 27, 2019

In response to recent conversations about sexual assault, several students began a movement that gathered crowds of students, faculty and administrators to the steps of Old Main on Friday, April 26. Senior...

Senior Emma Nordmeyer bends down to write a message in chalk near midnight on Thursday, April 25. Members of the #MakeAChange movement chalked the lower quad, Old Main stairs and 7th avenue sidewalk. Photo by Thea Gonzales.

Students demand Title IX reform through upcoming demonstrations

Natalie McMillan April 26, 2019

After recent incidents involving sexual assault conversation occurred on campus, students are organizing a set of protests under the #MakeAChange for Friday, April 26. According to sophomore SophiaRose...

Dat Poetry Lounge vocalizes social issues through poetry

Jackson Mainellis April 11, 2019

Art, spokenword, short story, rap, written word are all topics shown within the new group on campus: Dat Poetry Lounge. As a group, Dat Poetry Lounge gives marginalized people and people of color a place...

It’s 2019: Why are people still using the N-word?

Morgan Clark March 12, 2019

The N-word. You may know people that say it; you may even be one of those people. In the age of social media and the use of it in music, it has become more normalized, but should it be that way? Senior,...

Dr. Monica Smith delivers the keynote address on Monday, Jan. 21, 2019. Photo submitted by Mikaylo Kelly.

Smith delivers first VP Keynote address on MLK Day

January 23, 2019

Dr. Monica Smith, Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion, delivered the third Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) keynote address in the Gavle rooms on Monday, Jan. 21. After 14 years of lively choral celebration...

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