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Augustana Observer

Augustana Observer

Augustana Observer

Allan Daly and Courtney Kampert speak with Kumail Hussain at the SGA Meet and Greet. Photo by Lu Gerdemann.

SGA candidate applications surprise with unopposed election

March 17, 2017

Junior Allan Daly will be running for Student Government President during the next few weeks with his running mate, Junior Courtney Kampert. The pair, who have been planning their campaign and platform...

SGA replaces second Executive Board member

February 2, 2017

The Student Government Executive Board is having their second major role switch of the year, as Secretary Caitlin Slone will graduate a term early, prompting her replacement by senior Amanda Ico for the...

SGA launches Diversity Campaign

Rachel Leman October 21, 2016

The Augustana SGA Executive Board traveled to Washington DC Thursday through Sunday of Week 7 to attend the American Student Government Association’s National Student Government Summit in order to strengthen...

The Augustana Observer endorses Charlie Bentley and Sarah Funke. The pair is running for SGA president and vice-president  for the 2016-17 school year.

Official SGA Election Endorsement: Bentley ticket, first choice

March 23, 2016

Experience and action are two hallmarks that make Charlie Bentley and Sarah Funke our choice. The Augustana Observer is confident in their endorsement of these student leaders. Not only do Bentley and...

Junior Sarah Funke talks to a representative from Cigna Health Insurance, an insurance agency based in Cameron, Ill. at ProFair on Sept. 22 in the PepsiCo Recration Center. Over 87 professional organizations were represented, offering internships and employment opportunities. Follow-up interviews took place on Sept. 23 at St. Ambrose University.
Photo by LuAnna Gerdemann.

Edmondson provides insight into employment

September 24, 2015

Michael Edmondson, Associate VP for Careers & Professional Development, said what the most profitable major is does not matter but instead how happy that major makes the student. “When you say what’s...

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Sarah Funke