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Augustana Observer

Augustana Observer

Augustana Observer

The Obama Bridge leads to stars to get to Swanson Commons.

Obama Bridge: the challenges of creating an accessible campus

Sylvia Hughes May 10, 2024

Students on Augustana’s campus take the same paths and shortcuts every day. Whether they trek up the Olin Stairs or take Gerber’s first-floor elevator to avoid the stairs, these mindless shortcuts...

Eco is friendly

Hailey Glasnovich May 20, 2023

Sustainable practices minimize the potential risk of hurting the environment and the world of future generations. These actions can include eating healthier foods, reducing waste, and prioritizing recycling....

Digital rendering of Lincoln Park construction.
Photo courtesy of Augustana College.

Relocation of Augustana’s tennis courts causes a racket

Charlie Roiland and Allie Rial March 25, 2023

Just before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, residents of Rock Island saw the basketball courts at Lincoln Park restricted. Safety reasons were quoted after residents reported gunshots in the park....

Morgan Bullen goes to return the ball at the team’s practice on Thursday, March 28, 2019 while preparing for their matches against Illinois Insitute of Technology and Coe College on Saturday, March 31. (previously published in 2019)

Augustana tennis courts to move to Lincoln Park

Charlie Roiland February 27, 2023

Augustana and the city of Rock Island will be working together to create six new tennis courts at Lincoln Park, paid for by the college. On Feb. 27, the Rock Island City Council announced the construction...

No car, no problem, right?

No car, no problem, right?

Charlie Roiland March 5, 2022

When you come to Augustana, it is almost impossible to find a parking spot. Residence hall parking lots are filled to the brim with cars, so much so that students with parking permits often struggle to...

By: Annie Wheeler

Students stress about the parking fiasco

Michelle Quinn March 5, 2020

Unfortunately for the faculty and students of Augustana, the parking on campus is less than sufficient and changes need to be made. One major issue with parking is that there simply are not enough spots....

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