On Wednesday, there was a “Christian” protester, Tony Miano, standing outside of Old Main holding a cross and handing out anti-LGBTQ+ cards. The card had multiple Bible verses referencing pride as a sin and how those with pride should repent and accept Jesus Christ.
There’s nothing wrong with a peaceful protest or freely expressing your faith and religion. However, it is not okay when the protest is a hate crime targeting a specific group of people, in this case the LGBTQ+ community.
Although Miano claimed he wasn’t condemning gay pride, but pride in general, that’s not the message Augustana students interpreted. His cards contained a picture of a rainbow flag on them, which is publicly known as the gay pride flag.
The verses this man referenced in his anti-LGBTQ+ cards weren’t meant to convey pride as a sin. These verses referenced the old negative connotation to the word “pride.” The Bible was referencing pride as being negative when one is haughty and doesn’t humble themselves. It in no way was referencing the positive connotation that we now define pride as, which is associated with a sense of self-respect and satisfaction for one’s achievements, such as overcoming obstacles for one’s sexuality. This “Christian” even put the modern-day definition of pride on his cards not knowing that when the Bible was written and translated pride had more of a negative connotation to it.
This goes for many other anti-LGBTQ+ translated verses in the Bible. Since the Bible was translated in many different languages and originally was written in Hebrew, many of the original meanings of specific Bible verses could have been skewed and changed over time.
More specifically, the Bible verse that homophobic Christians always reference is Leviticus 18:22, which in the New International Version states, “Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.”
Depending on different translations and interpretations, some believe this verse to mean that homosexuality is a sin, others believe it meant pedophilia with a young boy is a sin (in translations where it says male instead of man) and others simply cherry-pick the Bible and ignore this verse even exists.
Obviously the homophobic “Christian” standing outside of Old Main believes that the Bible says homosexuality is wrong, which I don’t think is okay. How is one’s sexuality deemed wrong? Sexuality is a spectrum and it’s not something that one can control. If God was as perfect as the Bible claims, he wouldn’t create people who are born LGBTQ+ if he really believed being LGBTQ+ was a sin. Even then, the Bible states that one should love thy neighbor. Trying to convert others by hatefully telling those in the LGBTQ+ community they’re sinful is a sin in itself.
Anyone who has read the Bible knows that it says every human has sinned and continuously sins. Focusing solely on one specific “sin” is very hypocritical and disgusting. There are way more horrid “sins” that need to be focused on.
That being said, whether Christianity is real or not real, hating against the LGBTQ+ community is not okay, and it’s up to us to try to teach future generations to love and accept one another for who they are. It’s up to us to vote for candidates who aren’t homophobic. If Miano comes back next Wednesday like he claimed he would, it’s up to us to peacefully protest and stand our ground to let the LGBTQ+ community know that they’re loved.
Gay pride isn’t a sin
October 25, 2018
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Godless heathen • Oct 30, 2018 at 8:08 pm
Don’t give tony more attention that craves/needs. Just gives him more ammo to ask for “donations” and inflates his ego. As he constantly mentions his a retired sheriff.
Jewishjesuszombie • Oct 30, 2018 at 8:03 pm
Why give this this guy more attention? Obviously nobody is going to change his mind and he gets the attention he craves, and gives him the opportunity to ask for more “donations” which he admits, and writes about.
Nate S • Oct 29, 2018 at 3:45 pm
“God wouldn’t create people that are LGBT if its a sin.” – People sin all the time. Human beings are born with a sinful nature. God created people perfect in the beginning of time and we sinned against him. Your logic doesn’t to what the Bible actually says.
“Not when a protest is hate speech.” – Saying LGBT is sin is not hate speech. Clearly, Tony is not using his time out there that he doesn’t get paid to do, telling people that he hates them. He cares for their souls and wants them to turn to Christ and live. You want to coddle people into Hell as to not “offend” them. Protests of ANY kind are okay that doesn’t instigate violence. Tony did not instigate violence.
“People continuously sin.” – Of course they do because we are still human. Repentance to God is an action. You must understand your sin and what it means to God. These will be specific sins, and the general idea of being a sinner. Even someone in the church that has a specific known sin, should be called to repentance and counseled by elders. Sins over course will be general and we can never know every sin, but there are specific sins we must also repent of.
This article is very hateful towards God and Christians. That’s not okay. I don’t really care, but if thats your premise, its not very air tight. Please, repent and come to Jesus and live!
Outside looking in • Oct 29, 2018 at 2:08 am
Mr. Quigley…. I believe you are correct from your FB post a few years ago: is this in reference to your fellow classmates?
…. ‘I think we’ll be the generation with the most opportunity, and the most problems……… Are we up for the task? Personally, I don’t think so…….. Yet we are ignorant. We are indifferent. How, with all our gifts all of our talents. How can we squander them. We use them without questioning the consequences……… We have got front row seats to watch ourselves destroy the little blue orb that we live in. …….. One who’s ambition and pride, led to the suffering of others. { I find this last statement rather interesting }
Qonathan Juigley • Oct 29, 2018 at 5:06 pm
Elijah Hankins • Oct 29, 2018 at 1:48 am
On a separate note, does anyone in the journalism department own a decent camera and the ability to crop photos? It’s 2018, people! Let’s show some pride in our work.
Outside looking in • Oct 29, 2018 at 2:21 am
Now thats funny…..
Elijah Hankins • Oct 29, 2018 at 6:25 pm
At least someone gets me . . . .
Outside looking in • Oct 28, 2018 at 10:10 pm
‘This “Christian” even put the modern-day definition of pride on his cards not knowing that when the Bible was written and translated pride had more of a negative connotation to it.’
…more of a negative connotation?…..
As I read your opinion page… you read to be SO close to accepting the teachings of the Bible….
Jeff Ceurvorst • Oct 28, 2018 at 9:43 pm
A university that supports nemecalling (homophobe) is not teaching the students “truth”. There was no fear of LGBT, but love in the message. Wake up to the truth!
Dorothy boyett • Oct 28, 2018 at 9:05 pm
I would suggest that the writting on the back of the card should be read and discussed instead of making accusations against Mr. Miano’s intention. I have known him for several years and have evangelized with him on several occasions and have always found him to be a Christian gentleman who is genuinely concerned for those who are at enmity with God. He is not hateful or homophobic but only desires all people to come to Christ and live.
Elijah Hankins • Oct 28, 2018 at 8:42 pm
I’m not sure the writer of this article watched the long video available of Mt. Miano’s time at the college. Never was he mean, sarcastic or hateful. Stating clearly what is said in scripture, in a calm voice is in no way hateful. It may hurt peoples feelings, but since when is that a crime? Most (not all) of the kids present were a bit mean-spirited when confronted with someone and something they disagreed with. It’s always interesting when people who don’t believe the Bible, try to quote it to prove a point. It would be adorable if it weren’t so sad. You may not agree with Mr. Miano’s claims of what the scripture says, but he has a right to peaceably present his points. I’m sure next week, those who are offended by his statements will come at him with loud, aggressive, vulgar, and possible threatening actions. It’s the only way they know how to argue. It’s sad, really. Our young adults have lost the ability for civil discourse.
Jonathan Quigley • Oct 29, 2018 at 12:32 am
You vape bro?
Kaley Kearns • Oct 28, 2018 at 8:32 pm
Looks like Tony Miano got some of his friends to come comment on this article.
Yes, the card did not specifically refer to LGBTQ pride, but the connotation was very much there, and Miano’s website confirms that that is what it’s about. He simply wanted to get away with as much as he could without it being hate speech.
Jesus loves everyone and this man does not represent his views or Christianity as a whole.
Tony Miano • Oct 28, 2018 at 8:59 pm
Agreeing with the Bible that sexual immorality of every kind is a sin is not hate speech.
Christians believe the Bible is the Word of God.
Jesus, God the Son, the second person of the Truine God, was with God the Father in creation. This means Jesus was with God the Father when He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.
Sadly, Kaley, like so many, you have created a Jesus in your imagination to suit yourself–a Jesus with an unbiblical notion of love–a Jesus that is not holy, righteous and just. Your only hope, as is the only hope of every human being, is to repent and receive the real Jesus as your Lord and Savior. He will forgive your sin, remove it as far as the east is from the west, and remember it no more. You will be reconciled to the God you have offended by sinning against Him, and you will have the assurance of eternal life.
What I shared with you just now, is the same message on the gospel tract I distributed, and it is the same message I shared with those who would listen when I was at Augustana. It is a message of love–actual love–real love.
Turn to Christ and live, while God has given you time.
Destiny • Oct 29, 2018 at 12:53 am
Hi Mr. Milano, I disagree with your view of the LGBTQIA+ community. You’re using rather pathetic and lowly attempts to “preach” the word of God to others that don’t know what the Bible is about. I’m disappointed in not only you, but the church for allowing people like you to use the Bible to teach hate. Trump’s America has given the people a voice to say hateful and hurtful comments towards others. You talk about love, -“actual love”- as if homosexuality isn’t actual love. Open your heart to those who are oppressed and unheard.
Avery Blake • Oct 29, 2018 at 1:13 am
Last time I checked telling people that God hates them (words straight from the video, not mine) isn’t really a message of love. Also I find it highly contradictory to say that God is love, but that he hates people. That’s kind of the exact polar opposite. God hates sin not sinners themselves. Either that or he’s not all loving. You can’t have both. Also, although rainbows are not exclusive to the LGBTQ community. However, the rainbow flag is. And it’s interesting that the card had a rainbow flag instead of a good ole actual rainbow.
Not saying that the intention. Just saying we should all think about how our choices and words effect others and how they will most likely be interpreted.
Furthermore, none of this changes the fact that homophobic ideals we’re expressed pretty blantantly to various individual students (also in the video).
Darlene Lee • Nov 14, 2018 at 2:26 pm
Dear Avery, I agreed with you untill I went to “Got Questions.Org” it’s a wonderful resource!!! I ask a question and it gives me Scripture to answer it. so, I can get the truth from the Bible and not my own head or feelings. God, the Creator, is perfect in all He does,,,,we as created people,,,are not able to understand such perfection. but all God expects from us is to come to Him by faith , as we are!! yet, with a heart that is humble and wanting nothing more than to know Him and please Him!! I am so thankful for Tony and his group coming out and being obedient to God’s call to share the gospel truth; if we like it or not!! we all just need to admit we are a mess and cry out to God for His healing,,,and that is my most sincere prayer!!
Darlene Lee • Oct 29, 2018 at 6:31 pm
I was there for only the last half hour at the Augustana thing last week. I did go on here and watch some of the video, I’m so sad !!! Tony, you did tell the student that God hates the sinner (Psm. 6; ? 6 things ,,, no 7 things God detests….) I have to agree with the girl you were talking to,,, that is your interpitation!! I do not agree with you that God hates anyone, only our sin. He cannot tolerate sin, therefore CHRiST came and made the way for us to come to God. He died for us while we were yet sinners, thats not a hateful thing to do!!! also, He said for us to love our enemies!!! God does not hate nor does He want us to hate anyone!!! when i saw you from a distance with the cross, i was attracted/drawn to you but not when i saw you say that!! now i cannot stand with you when you come back to campus!! CHRiST is all we need to share: repentance, and faith in His work on the cross for everyone!!! in CHRiST’s love, Darlene.
Outside looking in • Oct 28, 2018 at 9:28 pm
‘Jesus loves everyone……..’
…… but does he agree with what everyone does?
Mama Jama • Oct 31, 2018 at 1:30 pm
That’s the problem. The LGBT community has high jacked the word Pride and the rainbow as their own. Even the word gay used to mean happy and joyful, but not anymore. If you can’t look past that, then that is where the problem starts. Just saying….
Also, I see comments about the Bible is “interpretive”. Changing the meaning of God’s word to suit yourself and your own agenda is not only a sin as well but very, very dangerous. Our God shall not be mocked.
Paul Morris • Oct 28, 2018 at 7:45 pm
This opinion piece argues from a place of weakness by fabricating “facts” and slandering Mr. Miano as a homophobe.
I listened to his entire presentation and found that while many people engaged in civil dialogue, others chose to bear false witness against Miano. Others openly mocked God and one man pretended to have sex with God.
Mr. Miano was respectful though he was treated poorly by some. Mr. Miano left his personal opinions at the door and appealed to Scripture for truth.
It is clear that in a postmodern culture many have created a god in their own likeness. I’m hopeful that Mr. Miano’s efforts lead some to repentance and salvation through Christ alone.
Outside looking in • Oct 28, 2018 at 7:38 pm
…..‘Focusing solely on one specific “sin” is very hypocritical and disgusting. There are way more horrid “sins” that need to be focused on.’…….
…and who’s ‘sin’ are you referring to that should be ignored?
Mark Ardois • Oct 28, 2018 at 7:36 pm
The meaning of pride has not changed and pride is in fact the primary sin in all of Scripture. And your chatacterization of the way the Bible was translated to various languages shows your ignorance regarding this subject. Please do some real homework and at least try to be accurate in your criticiams of this loving man who was willing to be mocked by all of you to give you the truth if the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I pray that God will grant you repentance, gift you saving faith, and open your eyes to truth.
Steve • Oct 28, 2018 at 7:19 pm
Just out of curiosity, are you in fact putting words on the “tract” that he was handing out? Does it specifically reference LGBTQ-etc? And you do realize that the rainbow was in the Bible LONG before the sexuality movement co opted it?
Hate crime? What crime was committed? Statute and law, please? All I see is someone exercising their 1st Amendment right to free speech (which is not the “1st Amendment right to not be offended…”). I remember a day when people actually debated ideas in colleges, not get offended and try to shout other opinions down…
I suggest you have a conversation with the man that does not involve talking over him or drowning him out to see what he is actually saying, instead of putting words in his mouth as you have stated here…
Steven Ely • Oct 28, 2018 at 7:02 pm
“Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. ” – 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
You must be washed, sanctified, and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.