A Donald Trump supporter speaks on the presidential hopefuls behalf at the Republican Caucus on Feb.1 in Davenport, IA. (Photo by: Ryan Jenkins) Democrat Josh Young, 24, registers to caucus for the first time at Davenport’s Williams Intermediate School on Feb. 1. (Photo by: Ryan Jenkins) Republican Patty Haman, of Davenport, caucuses for presidential hopeful Sen. Ted Cruz at Williams Intermediate School in Davenport,IA on Feb.1. (Photo by: Ryan Jenkins) An undecided voter listens to arguments from both Clinton and Sanders supporters at the Iowa Caucus in Davenport, IA on Feb. 1. (Photo by: Ryan Jenkins) An O’Malley supporter stands strong after the first count at the Iowa Caucus. Only 5 supporters backed O’Malley at Davenport’s Williams Intermediate School on Feb. 1. (Photo by: Ryan Jenkins) A Hillary Clinton supporter speaks to an undecided voter at the Iowa Caucus in Davenport, IA, explaining to her why Clinton is best for people who’s income is below the income level. (Photo by: Ryan Jenkins) Bernie Sanders supporters stand proudly as they await the final count at the Iowa Caucus on Feb. 1 in Davenport,IA. (Photo by: Ryan Jenkins) A Hillary Clinton campaign worker tapes up signs of support around the gymnasium at Davenport’s Williams Intermediate School prior to the start of the Iowa Caucus on Feb. 1. (Photo by: Ryan Jenkins)