The Student Government Association (SGA) granted Vikathon a contingency worth $1,730 during the organization’s meeting on Sept. 24
This contingency reflected funding for the dance marathon itself, the Christmas party hosted by Vikathon, presents for kids at the Christmas party and crafts.
Items that weren’t funded included $2,500 that would have gone towards shirts and $1,300 that would have been for a DJ and entertainment.
As Vikathon did not yet know who their performers or entertainers would be, SGA could not grant them money based on the clause in the organization’s constitution that states that “the student senate will rarely, if ever, consider proposals that include funding unidentified speakers.” This meant that a large portion of the money that they asked for was not able to be granted by SGA until Vikathon comes back with a list of speakers.
The $1,730 granted to Vikathon was passed with a vote of 20-3-4.
“I’m glad you guys are treating the constitution how it deserves, not just as a random document,” said Jackie Jastrzebski, SGA vice president, as she addressed the senate after the contingency had passed.
Another amount worth $4,100 was also debated. This amount granted Vikathon the full amount besides taking some money out for t-shirts and funding for a DJ.
However, because of the aforementioned clause in the constitution, the senate voted against this amount 9-18-0.
Vikathon was granted $6,300 and returned $2,334.39 of those funds last year.
SGA President David Sommers said Vikathon could return later for future contingency requests.
“We have to follow the constitution as it stands,” said Sommers. “As soon as they have the entertainment and DJ lined up, they are more than welcome to return with another request.”
Committee meeting highlights included a suggestion box being set out for campus improvements in the near future. There will also be a general suggestion box available on Augustana’s Campusnet webpage.
SGA also discussed students being granted study space in the Gerber Center Dining Area during weeks nine and 10.
The space will be open until midnight for student use, although not food or drink will be served outside of normal dining hours.