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Augustana Observer

Augustana Observer

Augustana Observer

Solar panels arrive on campus

Aubrey Lathrop October 21, 2020

Solar panels will be installed on the rooftops of the PepsiCo Rec Center, Carver P.E. Center, Centennial Hall and Westerlin, according to an email sent from Augustana College to the campus community. Kai...

Matt Case, member of Sierra Club, applauds a speech on Friday, Sept. 20 in the lower quad.  President Bahls says Augie has made progress towards campus sustainability, but there is more to do. Photo by Mikaylo Kelly.

Campus community demands sustainability

Audrianna Schneider September 26, 2019

Augustana students have a powerful voice on subjects they feel need to be addressed. By forming a student-led “climate strike” rally on Friday, Sept. 20 at noon, Augustana students made it quite clear...

Augustana’s Title IX aims to stay updated

Natalie McMillan April 4, 2019

Augustana College has been working to keep its title IX policies up to date and more understandable to students. Jessica Schultz, the deputy title IX coordinator said, “There were changes made this...

Give the task force a chance

March 22, 2018

Following the Sexual Assault forum last term, a temporary task force was created, headed by chair Dr. Jennifer Popple. I, like many students on campus, are curious about how much change the task force...

Sexual assault task force established

Thea Gonzales February 14, 2018

Developing story: check out for the latest details. NEWS BRIEF: The Augustana administration has responded to campus calls for action by updating the faculty, staff and students...

Task force announces proposal

May 5, 2015

Augustana’s Task Force on Sexual Assault Prevention delivered its report to President Steven Bahls on May 1, addressing how the college could better promote healthy relationships and informed respect. Task...

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