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Augustana Observer

Augustana Observer

Augustana Observer

Cooking in Quarantine: Biscotti-Ep.3

Cooking in Quarantine: Biscotti-Ep.3

Sophia Reid May 7, 2020

  I’m in my last week here at Augie, and in my house and as I was brainstorming recipes for this week, I realized that I was in very short supply of many ingredients. I needed a recipe that utilized...

Cartoon by Kevin Donovan/Observer Staff

Politicians that use COVID-19 to restrict abortion access limit essential healthcare

Sophia Reid April 29, 2020

As the world tackles COVID-19, we face uncertain futures, a deadly virus, and a pause to life as we all know it. Politicians in eight different states are capitalizing on this time to push restrictive...

Cooking in Quarantine: Zucchini Bread - Ep 2

Cooking in Quarantine: Zucchini Bread – Ep 2

Sophia Reid April 20, 2020

Welcome back to another edition of Cooking in Quarantine. Lately, I have dedicated my heart and soul to bread. I love the methodical comfort that bread brings and spending a day in the kitchen waiting...

12 Tips to master distance learning

12 Tips to master distance learning

Sophia Reid April 15, 2020

As we enter into week three of distance learning, the Observer sat down with Associate Dean Dr. Kristin Douglas to devise a list of tips and tricks on mastering this new form of learning.  According to...

Cooking in Quarantine: Gnocchi - Ep. 1

Cooking in Quarantine: Gnocchi – Ep. 1

Sophia Reid April 7, 2020

I have been socially distancing and in quarantine now for around 25 days, and in that time I have cooked about 25 times. When everything around me seems ever-changing and uncertain, I find immense comfort...

We are the Observer

We are the Observer

September 12, 2018

From 1922 to 2018, The Observer has noted at least 10 large-scale renovations done on Old Main, a building easily credited as the heart of Augustana College. Just like Old Main has been in the past, we...

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sophie reid