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Augustana Observer

Augustana Observer

Augustana Observer

Volunteers Kelly Lao and Steve Scott serve drinks at Oktoberfest QC 2023 at Hauberg Estate on Oct 15.

Quad citizens celebrate third annual Oktoberfest

Rae Barry October 20, 2023

On Saturday, Oct. 14, the Hauberg Estate and the German American Heritage Center and Museum (GAHC) came together to host their third annual Oktoberfest Quad Cities. Those attending listened to live music,...

Shades of magenta spotted near Andreen Resident Hall

An abundant campus: Augustana in the fall

Delaney Farwell October 8, 2022

For many students, fall is one of the most exciting times of the year at Augustana. In reality, every season here has its perks, but fall brings many unique events to Augie’s campus.  There are a...

Demystifying the money behind Greek Life

Demystifying the money behind Greek Life

Carly Davis March 15, 2021

From the outside looking in, Greek Life at Augustana is hard to pin down. Social groups, service fraternities and academic organizations vary enough that any generalized statement about Greek Life falls...

German Resturant Bierstube Hosting Oktoberfest

October 12, 2015

While out looking for a great bite to eat in the QC with friends and family, Bierstube was an easy choice for me. The restaurant hosting their Oktoberfest event the past two weekends between their Moline,...

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