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Augustana Observer

Augustana Observer

Augustana Observer

From left to right, Sophomore Lexie Seten and First-Year Renee Jednachowski talk to Sophomore Allie Lewis at the table for sorority Sigma Pi Delta’s annual fundraiser Raffle for Ronan in the Brew.

Raffle for Ronan returns for year two

Fatima Martinez Gallegos May 10, 2024

On Monday, April 29, a bright beaming smile caught the attention of everyone who passed next to the glossy orange poster announcing the Raffle for Ronan. Described as a charming, loving, smart and strong-spirited...

Pastor Melinda Pupillo, who had the second highest score, pies first-place Nathan Frank on Pi Day, March 14, in the Hanson Lobby.

Professor pied for student clubs’ clothing drive

Maranda Bargren March 20, 2024

The Augustana Physics and Engineering Society (APES) club and Psychology and Neuroscience Club partnered to host a “Pi week” clothing drive. From March 11-14, the clubs collected clothing donations...

Kittens win over students’ hearts at MSU fundraiser

Krys Lee November 22, 2023

Augustana’s Moroccan Student Union (MSU) hosted a fundraiser on Wednesday, Nov. 15 in the Office of International Student and Scholar Services (OISSS) Lounge, featuring kittens and skincare. The fundraiser...

Alpha Psi Omega disbands

Zain Shrestha November 17, 2021

On Friday, Nov. 5, Alpha Psi Omega, the national honors fraternity, was disbanded. Without Alpha Psi Omega, this could mean an end to the existing fundraisers these groups host and a lack of safe space...

VIDEO: OctobHERfest Preview 2021

Michelle Quinn October 18, 2021

Her Campus is hosting their annual event, OctobHERfest. However, this year they have decided to utilize this event as a way to educate students and staff about breast cancer awareness while fundraising...

Augustana Now leaps far past the finish line

Augustana Now leaps far past the finish line

Brady Johnson January 1, 2021

The five-year long “Augustana Now” campaign reached its goal and then some. A golden lit ceremony reveals a total of $133,662,742.55 concluding the college fundraiser. Now, the funds will be spread...

Mr. Augustana satirizes beauty pageants

Gabrielle Lenger November 14, 2019

Upon reading the words, “beauty pageant,” your instinct is to picture Jennifer Anniston’s shallow character in “Dumplin’,” or Debbie Ryan’s high strung character in “Insatiable.” Stick...

Augustana alumni and Chicago resident, Uxmar Torres, 24, recites his written poems at the Roaring Rhetoric Fundraiser sponsored by the 2F Project for Community Education at Rozz-Tox on October 5, 2019. Torres uses his experiences of growing up in Chicago to create honest and conflict charged poetry.

Poet alumnus performs at local fundraiser

McKenna Nagle October 10, 2019

On Saturday, Oct. 5, Rock Island cafe, bar, and performance venue Rozz-Tox hosted new local non-profit 2F’s first fundraiser at its monthly “Roaring Rhetoric” showcase. The event began with an introduction...

Women's Golf Team Launches New Fundraiser

Women’s Golf Team Launches New Fundraiser

September 7, 2017

Insomnia Cookies is a bakery chain that delivers cookies to students on large college campuses across the nation, and this is what inspired the Augustana women's golf team to start their new fundraising...

Opinion- Habitat for Humanity's "Shanty Town"

October 21, 2016

This past week, Habitat for Humanity had their annual fundraiser to raise awareness for homelessness. As important as it is for people to talk about the issue, and although they raised money for a good...

St. Baldrick's comes to Augustana

April 9, 2016

On April 14, St. Bladrick's will be coming to Augustana. This event, which is being hosted by the Roundels, is used to raise funds for kids with cancer. St. Baldrick's is known for shaving heads to raise...

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