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Augustana Observer

Augustana Observer

Augustana Observer

SGA takes the risk of losing $600

March 23, 2016

Last week, the Student Government Association granted $6,000 in contingency money to the Office of Student Life for the buses to accommodate students who wanted to see the men’s basketball team in the...

A chance for change

February 14, 2016

The Student Government Association (SGA) recently announced that applications for SGA president and vice president for the 2016-2017 academic year were available. As a graduating senior, I'm hoping there will...

MLK day sparks conversation 30 years later

January 18, 2016

On Monday, Senior Tayvian Johnson was given permission to purposely miss a class in honor of the national holiday, Martin Luther King Day. Students and faculty members have expressed dissatisfaction over...

Student volunteers who organized a petition on campus on Dec. 9 in the Brew. 1,023 signatures were collected from students, faculty, and staff. This is the second demonstration concerning racial issues on Augustana’s campus. The group hopes to gain more action from administrators concerning the proposal that was presented last year.
Photo by LuAnna Gerdemann.

Issues Through Our Eyes: 2015

December 31, 2015

This year, the Observer decided to look back on 2015 by addressing national issues that made their way to campus, with an emphasis on those that made an impact on the student body or were taken up by students...

SGA executive board members Kevin Seelander, Jackie Jastrzebski, David Sommers, Charlie Bentley, and Sam DeForest-Davis pose in the Brew.
Photo by Ryan Jenkins.

SGA awards NAfME funding

December 19, 2015

The Student Government Association (SGA) granted the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) $2,100 following their contingency at the Dec. 10 meeting. NAfME asked for money to help them attend...

Edmondson discusses leadership with SGA

October 15, 2015

The Student Government Association (SGA) heard a presentation on the topic of leadership from Michael Edmondson during their meeting on Oct. 8. Edmondson’s speech focused on different definitions of...

Senior Lisa Williams adjusts a t-shirt on a rope for Augustana’s Clothesline Project that was displayed in the lower quad. The Clothesline Project raises awareness about violence against women.
Photo by LuAnna Gerdemann.

Survey depicts campus attitudes, perceptions regarding sexual assault

October 14, 2015

Augustana College reported approximately 10 percent of female students will be sexually assaulted during their four years at Augustana. That is compared to the national average of 20 to 25 percent. Even...

SGA grants Vikathon funding for dance marathon

October 1, 2015

The Student Government Association (SGA) granted Vikathon a contingency worth $1,730 during the organization’s meeting on Sept. 24 This contingency reflected funding for the dance marathon itself, the...

SGA awards WAUG with contingency

September 24, 2015

The Student Government Association (SGA) awarded WAUG $4,731.59 in funding at the organization’s Sept. 17 meeting. The original contingency filed by WAUG asked for $6,531.59, with the compromise being...

First-year, Kayla Butler and Augustana's special guest, Armando Duarte, dance during a night of Samba held in Wallenberg Hall in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Student Life.
Photo by Luanna Gerdemann.

SGA, dean explain budget allocations

September 16, 2015

SAGA, Augustana’s literary art magazine, may not be able to award $2,000 in prize money this year due to the Student Government Association not giving the publication any funds. “It says (on our website)...

SGA awards SWAG $0, tables WAUG contingency

September 3, 2015

The Student Government Association (SGA) voted on Thursday to award Students Who Achieve Greatness (SWAG) $0 and to table WAUG’s contingency so that an exploratory committee could be created to assess...

Miscommunication between WAUG and SGA leads to budget changes

September 2, 2015

WAUG, Augustana’s student-run radio station, will not be able to continue operating under its current budget throughout the new year. Unless drastic spending cuts are made or its budget increased, WAUG...

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David Sommers