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Augustana Observer

Augustana Observer

Augustana Observer

It’s called a hate crime, not a ghost story

Paige Sheppard February 20, 2020

Anyone who has ever lived in Andreen Hall knows the story of “Chauncey the Ghost,” but not everyone at Augustana College knows the story of Chauncey Morton. It’s time they should. Chauncey was one...

Apollonia Weyerhaeuser Davis, pictured here in 1914,
lived in House on the Hill for her entire life until her death in 1953. She is rumored to still haunt its halls.
Photo courtesy of Augustana Special Collections

Augie horror story: Ghost stories from Augustana College

May 5, 2016

Women in Bergendoff singing in the middle of the night. Shadows staring back at you. Steps following right behind you. Though the seniors may be leaving this month, some entities never seem to leave Augustana...

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Chauncey Morton