All power has been restored to the affected buildings as announced in Public Saftey’s email at 5:46 p.m.
Several buildings on campus experienced power outages this afternoon, on the first day of J-Term classes. At 3:06 p.m., Public Safety sent out an email announcing that “a malfunctioning wire at the corner of 38th Street near Brunner has been detected and is the suspected cause of power outages in several Augustana buildings.”
The affected buildings are mainly academic ones around the Quad and down campus. They “include Bergendoff, Brunner, Centennial, Denkmann, Evald, Gerber, Hanson, Lindberg, Olin and Old Main,” according to Public Safety’s email.
There were no listed impacts to dining services in the email or Augie Alert notifications.
Updates will be provided as more information becomes available.