OBScast – The Augustana Observer Podcast – Moving forward as students – Ep. 6

Kevin Donovan

Join us for our weekly Observer podcast! This week’s episode is about life after graduation, moving into post-Augie life, and what the summer and fall might look life for returning students.
The Observer Editorial staff sits down to talk about what life looks like after graduation amidst a pandemic and what classes will be like for returning students.

What do you want to hear about? Let us know at observer@augustana.edu!
Featuring Observer Staff

  • Olivia Doak, Asst. News Editor
  • Jordan Cone, Managing Editor
  • Thea Gonzales, Co-Editor-in-Chief
  • Giselle Barajas, Opinions Editor
  • Kevin Donovan, Arts Director

Featured graphic by Kevin Donovan/Observer Staff.