According to the Rock Island Public Health Department, there have been 15 human cases of the West Nile Virus in the state of Illinois as of Aug. 29 of this year.
Recent tests have shown that mosquitoes have been tested positive for the virus in the community. The virus is transmitted through mosquito bites with symptoms ranging from a mild fever, to tremors, to death in it’s most severe cases.
The virus arrived in the area around the early 2000s and is maintained through the bird population, particularly crows and blue jays. However, the culex mosquito is the most popular vector and is the main culprit for spreading the West Nile virus. The public health department recommends the 3 R’s to help lower the risk of catching the virus. Reduce: Reduce exposure by keeping windows and doors shut and reducing standing water around your home where mosquito’s are most likely to breed. Repel: Keep the bugs away from you when outdoors by wearing long pants, long sleeve shirts, and socks. Not to mention to always be sure to apply insect repellent. Report: Make a note to report dead birds or sitting water that you see around the community.The health department may be able to take care of it before any mosquitoes are hatched or see if the virus is still showing positive in the area.
The symptoms of the virus are broad and in most cases may even go unnoticed. In minor cases, symptoms include a small fever or headache. These symptoms can last anywhere from three to 14 days. In the more severe cases, typically in older members of the community or individuals with a weak immune system, symptoms can be as serious as high fevers, disorientation, body aches, tremors, convulsions, death or paralysis.
While Zika has also been a concern of the public, there have been no cases of the mosquitoes, Ades aegypti or Ades albopictus, that carry the virus in the Rock Island Community. The Zika virus, however, is maintained in communities by human vectors and not birds like the West Nile virus. The symptoms also differ as people with the Zika virus usually experience rash, joint pain, or conjunctivitis. Illness is usually very mild and only lasts for up to a week, compared to the West Nile virus symptoms.
Due to the overwhelming rain this area has experienced lately, the number of mosquitoes may be greater than it usually is.
When asked if the West Nile virus was expected to continue spreading, the Rock Island Public Health Department replied that until the frost and cold weather roll in, the numbers of cases found will presumably keep rising. They also expect that the number of mosquitoes able to carry the Zika virus in this area will increase as traveling and commerce continue. However, none of these mosquitoes are capable of surviving the winter in the Midwest and the odds of actually catching the West Nile or Zika virus are very low.
West Nile Virus found in community
September 9, 2016
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