Graphic by Alyssa Duckett.
In the past, college students woke up in the middle of the night and checked their phone to see how much time they had left to sleep. It is sad to say that in today’s day and age, most college students wake up to blow smoke in the middle of the night by getting a hit of their Juul or vape. Whether students started this habit because they thought it looked “cool” or because they just couldn’t resist that mango flavor, it is evident that the use of vapes and Juuls is starting to have negative effects on students health. While the number of cigarettes smoked by Americans is exponentially lower than it has ever been, the use of vapes and Juuls has increased. If you simply look around, you can see a multitude of empty juul pods littered amongst the campus; this needs to stop. Not only is littering these products horrible for the environment, but the use of these products is also horrible for your body.
Over 380 people have been diagnosed with lung illnesses associated with products such as Juuls and vapes. According to the Office on Smoking and Health, there have been eight deaths due to vape related lung illnesses. Smoking these products is not worth the risk. Students know about these deaths and still they refuse to even think about the possibility of quitting.
Augustana students justify why they smoke, explaining that they want to smoke because the nicotine in these products helps them focus. However, once addicted, they no longer have the power to decide if they want to smoke. That desire becomes a need – it becomes an addiction. Even when students don’t need to smoke, they want too. People enjoy the satisfaction of blowing smoke.
Many patients who have been affected by this random lung illness have been reported by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) using products containing THC oils. Both products such as dab pens (vaporizer pen used to vape cannabis), or THC juul pods, have had a negative influence on people. Due to the fact that it is simply a convenient high at the push of a button — literally. People have known the effects of smoking nicotine and still continue to vape and juul. However, unlike the nicotine buzz of a Juul or vape, THC will get people high.
Normalizing smoking because it is convenient is not okay. These products were made for people who are trying to quit smoking cigarettes, not for college students who are trying to conveniently get high or buzzed on their way to class. Students should stop blowing smoke, and start taking responsibility for what they are putting into their bodies. Although it is okay for the occasional smoke and chill session, it is important to know the long term effects that frequent smoking will do to your health.
From vaping nicotine and THC, or to whatever drug comes next,it is important that all students start taking responsibility for their smoking habits. This needs to end. Stop destroying yourself and your lungs. Start caring about your health and your body.