Augustana Observer File Photo. Photo By Shylee Garrett
The Viking Score is the way that CORE systematically tracks students’ vocational preparation. CORE was originally established by Dr. Michael Edmondson and his team two years ago. About 60% of Augustana students come into CORE, although Edmondson hopes to see this number rise.
CORE’s main focus is to get students prepared for life after Augustana; whether that be a career, graduate school, medical school, The Peace Corps, or to fulfill their dreams of teaching in another country.
Edmondson gives students three main reasons to come into CORE. The first is that Augustana puts a lot of money into the program. Students should make use of the services that Augustana uses their tuition money to fund.
The second reason is that, “students don’t know what they don’t know,” states Edmondson
Students may think they know exactly what career they want, but they can still come into CORE and talk to alumni and CORE staff about it. They can give students more information.
The third reason is that, “The number one skill is flexibility and adaptability,” claims Edmondson
Edmondson had a reference sheet with 20 things to know about your (future) career. Number eleven stated, “Today’s students will have a job that does not yet exist using technology not yet invented to solve a problem not yet identified.”
“Employers want students who are professionally prepared, and graduate schools are also looking for a sophisticated portfolio,” says Edmondson, “It’s not just the grade anymore, it is what you have done.” That can mean internships, summer jobs, volunteer work, or various other experiences.
The Viking Score is set up to help students plan for their future career. Everything imbedded in the Viking Score is backed by research about what employers and graduate schools are looking for.
Edmondson says that 70% of Augustana students graduate with a job, and that the 50 seniors with the highest Viking score last year all left Augustana with a job or heading to graduate school.
A larger majority of first years and sophomores come into the CORE office because it has always been there for them. However, Edmondson stresses that just because CORE wasn’t a thing when the juniors and seniors started, does not mean that they should not utilize the resource.
“I didn’t have a cell phone in college, but I have one now, you have to use what you have when it is given to you,” states Edmondson
Edmondson’s new book is about majoring in happiness. He writes, “Your dream job today may not exist tomorrow, let alone 5, 10, or 20 years from now. You’ve got to be open to whatever industry comes your way.”
First Year James Manuel works in CORE, helping students with their resumes, creating LinkedIn accounts, and setting up appointments. He tells me he already has a Viking Score of 20, 10 points above the estimated minimum for First Year students.
“Communication and the experience of interacting with other people is the most helpful skill I have learned from working in CORE,” Manuel states
Manuel agrees that more people should utilize Core’s services. When people come in for help, they usually return for more.
“CORE is a phenomenal place with great people dedicated to helping people,” says Manuel.
“You need to learn that career development has a curriculum. You need to understand the field of career development. Too many students hibernate in their comfort zone,” says Edmondson