Juniors Charlie Bentley and Sarah Funke have been working on SGA together since they were first years. Bentley is majoring in Biology and Neuroscience and has been involved in the office of student life, leadership academy, ACHOO, JETS, and is the current secretary of SGA. Funke is majoring in accounting, finance, and economics. She is currently involved in SGA, the Delta Chi Theta sorority, and is a career ambassador in CORE. The duo has been thinking about running for SGA President and Vice President for a long time, and are looking forward to following the leads of previous SGA executive boards. Some of the goals of the Bentley/Funke administration would be to use the achievements of pervious SGA administrations and effectively turn a corner and focus work on the student body. They also would like to encourage a collaborative relationship between the SGA Senate and the Executive Board, by providing the necessary tools in order for them to be successful leaders.
“Improving our campus, empowering our students”
Sophomores Blake Randolph and Jake Speechley have been friends since First year orientation and know that they are capable leaders that can bring different ideas to the table. Blake Randolph is majoring in business administration and Spanish. He is the President of the ski and snowboard club, a member of Phi Omega Phi, and is currently serving as a senator on SGA. The pair are looking to leave Augustana better than they found it. The Randolph/Speechley administration would look to develop a campus clean up day and advocate for a better, cleaner Augustana. They want to create a plan in order to discuss having Martin Luther King Day off, and they really want to focus on bettering our mental health facilities on campus.
“Real Leaders, Real Goals, Real Change”
Sophomores Kevin Zaldivar and Alyssa Reuter hope to focus on issues that may be overlooked within the Augustana community. Zaldivar is majoring in economics and international business. He is currently a senator on SGA, a student advisor for President Bahls, and part of the multicultural programming board. Reuter is majoring in accounting and studio art. She is a CA in Swanson and is active in art club. The Zaldivar/Reuter administration would look to create an environment that students can feel comfortable, safe, and relaxed in. They would like to look into the issue of mental health, and will look at the possibility of having a nurse on campus for immediate response.
“Live United Augustana”